Just Breathe & Stretch

When in the present moment the worries and stresses of the day slip away and you are empowered in body, mind and spirit.

This class encourages you to embrace the present moment in each pose, notice how your body feels and how your mind relaxes. Take the opportunity in the rebound or rest phases to notice where you are at in this moment, on this day.

Course curriculum

This Yin Yoga Class with Teresa includes:

  • Yin Yoga poses that focus on stretching the entire leg (hamstrings, IT bands, inner thighs, calves...), pectorals, shoulders, neck muscles, the back and hips

  • Breathing and focus on remaining present, in the moment

  • Release of tension in body and mind with a goal of complete relaxation


Yoga Teacher

Teresa Graham

I took my first Yoga class when I was 13 and have been passionate about it ever since. In teaching dance it was a key aspect to encouraging students to stay loose and flexible and I am constantly suggesting stretching and yoga to my massage clients. Yin Yoga is my go to as a teacher, practitioner and massage therapist. Holding the poses for longer means that the fascia, joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments have an opportunity to release. Restorative Yoga goes further with comfort and relaxation being key while you breathe, rest and digest. Yoga is not about how the pose looks or how you look in the pose. It's all about how the pose feels, the sensations you are experiencing and the breathe that you focus on as you inhale and exhale. It's also and most importantly about meeting yourself where you are today as you practice. About developing a nurturing relationship with it and allowing your mat to support you. Use your props, bring the floor up to you, allow sensation and stretch but no pain should be happening. In restorative you should be so comfortable that you could fall asleep in the pose. Be kind to you today.